Hash Brown Waffles

A big shout out to Tara at Tea & Cookies for this wonderful recipe for making hash browns using a waffle iron. It’s really a quite healthy and low-fat preparation. I’m not posting a recipe here – Tara’s recipe is complete with fabulous prep photos. My only addition was a generous grating of black pepper.

The only downside of this recipe is the length of time it takes to cook – 20 minutes in my two-waffle iron. If you need to make more than two waffles, you can hold the finished waffles in the oven at 200 degrees fahrenheit without losing crispness.

My husband, the king of hash browns, wanted me to try adding onion – so I added some grated and drained onion. The taste was great, but they were too wet and burnt a bit. I think I’ll stick with Tara’s simpler version.

If you want prefer traditional hash browns, here’s the best recipe I know.

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